Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ashley Hostetter Profile

            Ashley Hostetter, Auburn Montgomery Freshman, BCM Worship Leader, Basketball State Champ, accomplished is what it’s called. Ashley is currently a resident of Tuskegee, AL, but is originally from Montgomery, AL. She has admitted to being eager to move back toward Montgomery to be “closer to civilization”. Tuskegee is 45 minutes away from Montgomery. There isn’t a mall or a Wal-Mart in Tuskegee.
Ashley attended Eastwood Christian School in Montgomery, AL, where she won her first basketball championship title in 2009. She stated winning the state championship was “amazing, [the] best feeling of life, [and] accomplished”. Ashley was overjoyed and energized as she spoke on the subject of the championship. She is very versatile; she enjoys music, singing, playing guitar, and piano, and enjoys traveling the world. She has been to Florence, Venice, Rome, Paris, London, and multiple others. Of those she noted Paris definitely as a favorite.
                Ashley is currently working on receiving her bachelor’s in Nursing. She enjoys working with kids; therefore she wants to become a pediatrician. She is enjoying her new found freedom in college. The idea of being grown comes from the drastic change of environment. Coming straight out of high school where students were secluded to the school halls and lunch, to a free flowing, flexible college. Ashley is currently participating in intramural basketball at Auburn Montgomery.
                Personality wise Ashley is very outgoing and happy. She chose to be a nurse instead of a doctor because of the flexibility nurses have. She really doesn’t want her work to be her mister. She focuses on her interests, and is a tad bit all over the place. As everyone, she have a few pet peeves, she can’t stand, people who take everything to heart and disrespectful kids.
                Ashley is an all around beautiful and accomplished person. I wish her the best of luck in her profession and hope she enjoys the continuation of her college years.

Im Coming Up in this World!!

Monday morning in Psychology class I made up my mind to be on the Dean's List every semester, and that is what I plan on doing. I have calculated my progress and what I need to make to reach my goal. By all means I am so near my goal I could taste it. I am so happy. I plan on exceeding the expectations of others and achieving my goals to prosper in life.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Classmate Profile

1.  Ashley Hostetter
     Where are you from? From Mont. but lives in Tuskegee

Do you like living in Tuskegee: Eager to move. Closer to "civilization"

2.       What are your interests? Music, Playing guiter, piano, sing, & basketball

3.       What is your major? Nursing
Why? Loved helping ppl. wanted to be a vet

4.       What do you plan to do with your major? being a nurse
What type of nurse would you like to be? working with kids in pediactrics

5.       Are you enjoying college thus far? Yes
What are you enjoying about it? The freedom, the idea of being grown

what activties dor clubs do you plan on joining? baptist college ministry
leader worship on Monday nights.
Do homework, hang out.

6.       How would you describe your personality? Out going, Happy.
7.  Do you have any unique awards you have won? Basketball team state champs
How did you feel about winning? Amazing, best feeling in life, accomplished
What school did you go to? Eastwood
What activies did you participate in in high school that you wouldnt mind participating in college?
Intermual Basketball
Dream Job: Nurse in a hospital like a surgical nurse.
Very flexiable. Dont want work to be the mistress.
Extra Comments: None. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Looking For Understanding Refined

     Problem resolved, I have found what I was looking for. I messaged every component on Facebook. When I asked about the problem, they blamed me. Out of all the excuses in the world, they blamed me. In reality the excuse was totally inaccurate due to previous conversation records. I realized it was a waste of my time attempting to reemerge the group, and witnessed first hand the way the secular world could change people. I would personally rather be alone than have a fictional relationship. The amount of tolerance I have for mess is below average. I've had headaches about this situation for the past few months because I felt incomplete. I'm  very antisocial so I thought I would atleast had a stash of lifetime friends. You never know the real attitude of people until they turn again you.
     So I have gotten to the bottom of this fiasco. They blame me ,but they just need to know that they don't have to deal with me anymore.  This transformation was for the best. People could call me stubborn, naive, and selfish, I refuse to take the blame for a mishap that was wrongfully targeted at me.

Random Appositive:
Systematically, every child hates vegetables, usually brocolli or peas, eventually their mind would change as they become adults.

Far beyond a normal relationship, difficult to handle, surrender of all freedom is not st

I will be Obediant Refine

I have to wonder seriously about the situations I go through. The good Lord allows me to do random things. Most of the time I find it amazing, like this morning October 14,2001 (just meant for me to remember this date). I woke up at 5 as usual, beat everyone to the bathroom, laid down and rested my eyes for a minute, found my clothes, ironed and did my hair all for 7:05. I literally got into my car at 7:08. I was on the interstate by for a good 15  minutes as usual. I arrived at school at 7:30. On Tuesday and Thursday I have a  morning class that is not open due to the fear of laptops evaporating. As I pulled in to the parking lot on campus, I wondered seriously why was I here so early. I walked in the class and saw my teacher in class, and was overjoyed because the Lord put me where he wanted me. Usually the door would be closed and the lights off. When I entered the classroom and was seated. The teacher informed me that it was free book day, and I got first pick. Yay!! That goes to show. The Lord will lead and guide you through everything you do. The Lord blessed me in so many ways. Every little blessing counts for something.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Part 1
a)      I will be producing a complete line of fingernail polish called Glitter Me Neon.  It is a very unique polish from texture of the polish to the bottle. The texture consists of glitter specks in each stroke that includes an ingredient that will allow the polish to dry ten times faster than my competitors. The most unordinary facture about Glitter Me Neon is that it is completely unscented.  Glitter Me Neon comes in a unique custom made bottle that captures the eye next to the competitors on the shelves. Also on the tops on the polish I through in comfortable finger grips for the older people use.  Comes in ALL assorted colors!!

b)      I have reasonable expectations that my good would sale well against my competitors because I have personally experienced the other brands ,and the many flaws I have come in to contact with has made me change the entire polish game. I provide comfort, style, and less smell.  My good is to be sold in every department store from Winn Dixie to Wal-Mart. It is very family oriented. I made it for the teen girls for sleepover parties, the nail salons, and just the everyday perfectionists who really love painting their nails a new color.

c)      I would first spend my money on my partner company who actually makes the unscented, glitter, and quick dry formula for my polish. Then I would get those special made brushes and the bottles. My advertisements would be at the very end of my priorities. I feel the need to get my product developed first then the word out. 

d)      I think females of all ages and homosexuals will definitely purchase my products because everyone deserves for their nails to be absolutely gorgeous. Glitter Me Neon will become the perfect accessories to any outfit, the entertainment of girl talk, and the epitome of the nail salons merchandise. This polish eliminates all the worries everyone had when dealing with polish.

e)       I will market my good by commercial, personal experiences talking about my product and answering questions, flyers, ads, etc. By my product being in family oriented department stores it will fly off the shelf because every fingernail polish user goes to that area just to check out the new colors and test the new brands against the others.

f)       A few of my competitors are Revlon and Maybelline. I will do my own thing. I have to worry about my polish, and my polish only, no one else’s. I have to receive a; my criticism to improve my product. I think of my consumers as critics. I want a good report at the end of the day.





i)  My business is designed to please everyone. Coming Soon, my line of fingernail polish remover. Why should my customers buy someone else’s product to remove my product?

Othello Part 3

 Othello’s character started to fiddle when he started listening to Iago’s words. He believed everything Desdemona told him until now. His trust slowly faded when Desdemona was not able to find his mother’s handkerchief.   He knew it was something then. Iago was in his ear whispering making remarks about Cassio and Desdemona’s affair. Othello’s was changing his character was changing by the seconds. Othello’s character had done a one-eighty. Whenever Cassio was in his presence he began to think small hateful comments. He overheard Cassio talking about a woman and over reacted. He accused Desdemona of infidelity, which she personally thought the idea was unrealistic in her immature eyes. He killed her for the thought of infidelity not the proof. Iago made a complete fool of Othello. Othello and Desdemona’s marriage was destroyed by a lied.
            The role of marriage in Othello could be a reference to everyday life today. There are three different couples in this book, with different admirations. They are wonderful examples of today’s society of how not to act and of beliefs today. The game of love was the plot of this book. William Shakespeare was thinking of real life with this book.  Iago’s motive is seen very frequently today. He took money and broke-up a newlywed couple.  A marriage supposes to be of trust and determination. Where there is no trust, there is no love. Where there is no humbleness, there is no love. When jealousy out weights the hearts force of love it is time for a divorce. Love is the glisten in an eye, the vibration of a voice going up the spine, the butterflies from a kiss, and the smile of the sun. Love is like being reborn. The newness will dominate the body’s entire functionary factures. Love is like the radio in a car. Its days when there is something good on the radio, when there is something mediocre, and most of the time the CD of choice is spinning to satisfy the soul, showing the ups and downs of love. The choice is depended on the love status.
Works Cited
  1. http://www/ Define Marriage = Google Search. Google. Com. 3/7/2010
  2. Bible verse list- Scripture about marriage from Scripture  3/7/2010
  3. Define Jealousy – Google Search. 3/7/2010

Othello Part 2

            True love is a very vital element of life. When he or she has finds true love everything about their opposition changes. Meanings to have a connection with someone so strong it pushed the limit of doing the impossible. True love is a person he or she feels comfortable with and around. A person he or she cannot wait to see every day. A person he or she feels as though they cannot live without.
True love could do one of two things. They could sever the heart or mend it. When the heart is severed, it feels like someone has taken a dagger and shattered it into manifold pieces. Although when the heart is mended it will feel like for once everything is going right. When everything is finally going right seems like that person will never bore out. Walks in the park, long talks under the moon, nice candle light dinners. It almost brings a sign of relief to the heart to signify that the empty space is being filled. Love gives a humble heart to everyone. Even the most selfish person can find true love and would sacrifice anything for them because of love.
Scarifying will be a key factor in all relationships. It is customary to give a little to receive a little. Everyone has their pet peeves so it is just standard to sacrifice. Some might got to the certain extent to change their entire personality for love. Personally, if that person is not satisfied by now then they need to move on. True love is the favor of a person’s pure facture not of their altered behavior.
Love should be unconditional. Love should be a universal feeling for someone despite others miniature flaws. True love’s ultimate goal is to grow old together. When old is near just remember to do all that is possible to help. Love is split between two people. When that love is gone the heart will erupt from disbelief and false activity and behavior.
            Trust within a marriage is the foundation of a beautiful canvas. Trust is the freedom aspect of the relationship. The more trust there is in the relationship the more leisure time there is without the idea of any accusations accumulating. If trust is ever in jeopardy, forgiveness is the answer. It is better to forgive and never forget than to say it is forgiven and continue to bring it up in every argument not realizing it only results to another argument. Forgiveness is so beautiful to the soul, but warning if that same mishap happens again, then it is time to find a solution to that problem or let someone go. Infidelity could be the cause of the problem, but it is just better for everyone to change. Change for the best though. The one that was cheated on should start paying more attention to the person’s and needs, and the one that was cheating should stop being greedy and adjust themselves to benefit both needs.
            Othello and Desdemona’s marriage is the foundation of the entire plot. It all started with the obvious, race. Many at that time had not seen or accepted the idea of an inter-racial couple. Othello was a very humble hearted guy who would not harm a fly. Some people just did not see that. Desdemona’s true love was Othello. Othello was older than Desdemona so much until that became a problem of discussion also. Barbantio was outraged by the news of Desdemona’s marriage to an African American older man, but Desdemona went with her heart anyway. She was so enticed by his heroine stories she instantly fell in love with him. She wanted a nice tall, older, strong man in high authority. She didn’t even worry about her parents. She loved Othello so much. She gave up and disappointed many about Othello. Desdemona was a noble woman. She stood her ground about hers.

Othello Part 1

What is marriage without true love? Without true love it would be a miserable experience that would last a lifetime with the possible side effects of infidelity.  Marriage is defined as a close and intimate union, according to  This union impacts the entire life of those who are in love. Those two people will be forces to reconcile some differences to make their love last. Trust and humbleness play an important role in marriage. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Each and every couple in Othello was faced with obstacles that needed to be conquered. They are the epitome of married couples today.
            Marriage in the late twentieth century is thought to be like a utopia. Twentieth century marriages were modern, classic, or idealistic. It did not include inter-racial marriages, divorces, or infidelity. The idea of marriage was a big epidemic that was believed to have lasted a lifetime, which is true today with various twists.  Purity was the character of marriage in the twentieth century. Everyone have their own perception of love and marriage, but true love and marriage is unchangeable. Today is an entirely different story. There are so many false ideas of love that leads to mistaken marriages. Just because he or she says he or she loves you does not mean they do.
            Barbantio and his wife is a superior example of twentieth century love. They were pure with love. They were both in Desdemona’s life. Their trust was impeccable. It was like a bridge in the middle of the city, strong, and could only be destroyed by destruction on purpose.  Barbantio took Desdemona’s secrecy hard. He was very disappointed, and felt betrayed and bamboozled.  The race facture was equally divided within that betrayal and disappointment. Inter-racial marriages were not seen fully until after the pass of the thirteenth amendment. They were not fully constant with adapting to change, and could not stable their minds around an African American son-law. Desdemona relocated with Othello which gave them doubts. They let her go on to live her life as she pleased. It killed them emotionally, but they did what they thought was best. They let go.
            The concept of jealousy in marriage is indescribable. Marriages with this problem will not and does not last long. Jealousy all around is a negative state of mind.  Jealousy leads to insecurity.  Jealousy, the act of being resentful and envious of another’s success, will never open the passage to love someone completely. Eventually their love would lead to envy. Envy in a relationship would just segregate the couple farther apart. The couple would surely get the complete picture.
 Jealousy against another couple is ridiculous. Everyone’s relationship has their flaws and some are seen more clearly and to the point than others. The other couple’s relationship is not at risk it is the person whose jealous relationship that is spiraling downward. Why should people compare lovers? Love that person for them not for the next couple. That person would surely start to feel insecure if they are always being compared to another person.
            Iago and Emilia are the primary examples of jealousy within a marriage. Although they were not jealous of each other, they were jealous of Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. Iago was the mastermind of the relationship. He controlled Emilia. She “found” the handkerchief to give to Iago. Iago was a person who satisfied his own needs not others. Emilia was a more down to earth person who is obedient to her husband. She was a true friend to Desdemona even though she was the wife of the antagonist.  Iago should have never been trusted; he always tried to manipulate everyone with his false accusations. He was not really favored of Emilia, but she was his wife. Iago and Emilia was a very unordinary couple. It really make many wonder how exactly did they fall in love and resulted to marriage. They really seem like two completely different characters of people, but as the wise once said love sometimes is blind.

The Misanthrope

 Theatre AUM has done it once again. They have exceeded the expectations of many. From September 30- October 10, the production of The Misanthrope had been cycling repeatedly for everyone’s enjoyment.  The Misanthrope was written by Moliere in French and later translated to English by Richard Wilbur. This production was entered into the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. This program rewards students’ scholarships, internships, grants, and awards for actors, directors, playwrights, and etc. The director of this work of art was Mike Winkelman. He couldn’t have put this romantic comedy together without his scenic and costume designer, Val Winkelman, and sound designer Morgan Prude
                The scenery was very stationary. Moliere wrote this play secluded to one room within Celimene’s house in New Orleans (though the original location is in Paris). There were multiple props used in this play. The character Philinte utilized the props the most. He was like the nosey friends who always snacked as they listened. There was only a table and a few chairs in the middle of the floor. The characters used them as they should. The transitions of those few items created the scene for the next Act. All of the actors were incredible.
                My top three characters from the play are Arisinoe, Oronote, and Eliante. These three characters are character I could relate to the most. They aren’t the main characters, but their roles are just as important. These three characters are like collectibles items, its something you wouldn’t want to miss out on. All three of these characters are played by actual AUM students.
                Arisinoe is played by Brittany Carden. This character is someone everybody could relate to. This character was based off a snake in the grass friendship. This character was a character that told people what other people thought of them. Brittany played this character well, not saying she is really conniving, but I could really tell she have a flexible personality that allows her to venture outside of her normal personality. She captivated the character to the tee. Brittany was strong with her words, she hadn't the exact attitude of the character, and she made herself into the serpent.
                Oronote was played by LaBrandon Tyre. When thinking of this character I immediately image the unattractive billionaire. He was one of Celimene’s guys, but he was the romantic poem writer, his attempts count for something in my book. LaBrandon did a wonderful job in interpreting the character. The most entertaining part about Oronote’s character was when he was reciting his poem. He was reciting as if he just knew his poem was perfect.  When Alceste criticized that poem I almost cried laughing. LaBrandon did a wonderful job in placing himself into character. His tone was strong like a billionaire, he floated around the stage as a poet, and he was just all around entertaining.
                Eliante was played by Alicia Fry. This character was the girl next door. She was humble, intelligent, and loved the rebel older guy. She loved Alceste even though he was madly in love with her cousin Celimene. She reminded me of Merdule from Family Matters. She had the snort, the books, and the all around patience. Alicia was really humble with this role. It was like she was taking her time. She was playing it careful, and that’s the way to play a pure and innocent character. Her voice coincided with the character, her snort was hilarious, and I really saw innocents in her actions. I loved when her character fell madly in love with Philinite. She knew in her heart that Alceste was too advanced for her.
                The Misanthrope was both entertaining and timeless. I would really prescribe this play as a must see. I would rate this play as PG-13 due to the advance use of words and some of the metaphors. Theatre AUM has done it again. If you missed it, you missed out on a treat.


    I have so much going on through my mind, I have to finish so much , and get my self prepared for upcoming tests and papers. Right now I'm not happy with the way my progress is going. I need to delete some of my actives and put more time into my work. I run around with my head cut off all day everyday for other people and don't have much time for myself. By the time I do settle down its time to go to sleep. I need to do extremely better.


     I have a habit of doing everything my way. I really need to stop and take note. I don't like when random people tell me what to do. I do what choice people in family and teachers tell me to do, but other than that I don't care. Ive instilled in myself from past experiences that people take kindness for weakness ,and that those people will never catch me off guard again. I have a shield and a fear of being used. Ive dismissed so many because of the fear of being used. I was ultimately right and proud I listened to my instinct. I am a nice person and wouldn't mind helping other people. I just don't want to feel stupid about the situation. I would help people and I want them to help me in return if need it.

My Profile

     I am going to do my profile on my family lawyer. He is one of the smartest people I know. I have always wanted to be a lawyer since middle school. I enjoy talking, arguing, and getting an accurate understanding of different situations. It is understood it takes baby steps, so I'm ready. Starting college is just the beginning. Doing this profile on a lawyer will help me to further understand the principles of law, understand the basic skills used everyday by lawyers, and the everyday concerns lawyers have about the issues in the world. I am going to use this profile to the best of my ability to help myself become a better student to meet the expectations of becoming the prominent lawyer I want to become.   

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I will be Obediant

I had to wonder seriously about the situations I go through. The good Lord allows me to do random things. Most of the time I find it amazing, Like this morning October 14,2001 (just meant for me to remember this date). I woke up at 5 as usual, beat everyone to the bathroom, laid down and rested my eyes for a minute, found my clothes, ironed and did my hair all for 7:05. I literally got into my car at 7:08. I was on the interstate by for a good 15  minutes as usual. I arrived at school at 7:30. On Tuesday and Thursday I have a  morning class that is not open due to the fear of laptops evaporating. As I pulled in to the parking lot on campus, I wondered seriously why was I here so early. I walked in the class and saw my teacher in class, and I was overjoyed because the Lord put me where he wanted me. Highlight of the morning, free book day, and I got first pick. Yay!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 reasons to Turndown a Marriage Proposal

10) He still lives with his mom
9) He was a guest on Maury 3 times and was the father of 2.
8) He wears more make-up than I do
7) He has a fetish for midgets
6) He wants to invite me on Jerry Springer to tell me something
5) He wants me to purchase the ring
4) He is on drugs
3) He disrespects everyone
2) He has too many kids
1) His family don't like me

Types of Facebook Friends

     I started my facebook page at the end of my 9th grade year. I registered and chose my school. I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. I just knew my besties were always encouraging me to join and be friends with them. I got it started. The first time I logged in I had over 20 friend requests. Me not knowing,  the entire school was on Facebook. Before long I had added the entire school on Facebook and found some old middles school buddies, old crushes, and people until this day I cant stand.
     I remember the multiple changes Facebook went through. I remember when "Statuses" was all the rage. Down they hall was always did you read so and so status about so and so. Then Facebook chat, one of my teachers actually informed me on new construction of Facebook chat. It was like IM. We didn't have to wait sometimes hours to get a response. Then the new layouts and mobile emerged.
     My Facebook friends list consists of almost 400 people as we speak. I have chose my top friends and believe me it needs to be revised. My friends list consist mainly of classmates. I have most of my out of town family members as friends to keep up with them. I have a few exes still in my friends list, a bundle of old classmates, and a hand full of new college buddies.
     Facebook is the way I communicate with my senior class buddies. Since we all went our separate ways.

Looking For Understanding

I found my understanding by messaging my old friends about our "problem". When I asked them about that problem they blamed me. Out of all the faults they had, they blamed me. In reality the excuse they gave was way before the action they used against me. I realized it was a waste of my time attemptting to reemerge the group. I realized how different people have come. I would personally rather be by myself than fake a relationship, and that works all around the board. I've had headaches about this situation for the past few months because I was used to having them around ,and felt like I needed them to get by. Im antisocial so I thought at least I So I have gotten to the bottom of this fiasco. They blame me ,but they just need to know that they don't have to deal with me anymore.