My senior year of high school was the best year of my life. I absolutely loved all of my teachers and classmates. I had one specific class that actually changed my life. It was the basic Yearbook class. In that class I came in contact with multiple challenges. I learned to the concept of planning and having a back-up plan. While completing a page in the Yearbook I stumbled upon something that was remarkable, my faith.
I had multiple pages in the yearbook, including the Theology page. I had numerous visions for this page. I thought this page was going to be hands down easy, but as I began it seemed like everything I wanted for this page plummeted. My first idea of having a few words from the priest was a total disaster. I was literally scorned by the nuns and deacons, and labeled as a “Priest Stalker”. I was going beyond for that page. My ideas preceding the priest were worse than the looks I received in the church.
One day in Physiology I thought of the best concept for that page. I wanted to use scriptures as my number one solution. As I looked up scriptures, I began to feel a burning that I've never encountered in my entire life of going to church. It felt as if everything was right for change. I slowly ignored the original assignment and began reading the bible.
I attended church every Sunday and listened to the word very sagaciously, but couldn't receive that feeling. I felt at peace when reading and understanding the bible for. Being in Yearbook and working on that page really made me come to my senses. I read the bible for weeks neglecting my other pages completely. I use to feed my teacher crazy stories to why I use to read the bible in class. The bible really rejuvenated my heart and made me rethink multiple mistakes I have made in my lifetime. I continued this for about a week and realized if I keep on I would never find the perfect scripture to really display the thoughts of theology. Yearbook was where I encountered firsthand experience with learning about the Lord for myself. I could really say working on the yearbook really affected me spiritually
By reading the bible I received a new walk and a new talk. I started to monitor my word choice. My heart had become pure, and my understanding was clearer. I began to put my faith first and allow everything else to follow. Reading the bible was meant to be a necessity, but at that time I took it as an option. I was feeling so guilty for the way I sort of neglected God for my own purposes.
The bible soon became my drug. I realized the idea of having a few scriptures on that page was a decent one, but I felt there should be some type of explanation to what each scripture meant. The explanations turned in to essays and I was instructed by my teacher, who I really worships the devil, to delete them all. So I was back where I started. It took me a few days to recover. It was like rehab. I was slowly bouncing back. I was thinking of other possible ideas for that page. I had to halt the construction of that page, to clear my mind and not over think, so I used the following week to work on my other pages.
Being one of the main photographers, while taking club pictures I had the brilliant idea of having a combined church service with one of our sister schools in our diocese. From there, I just decided to take pictures of the church features and the interaction of the audience because it was a school function and very memorable. I uploaded the pictures and looked back on my drawings and found the perfect sketch, I kind of got teed me off because it was like the very first sketch I had ever done. I filled in the empty spaces with brief captions and the introduction to Father Paul. My headache was ultimately over, so I thought. The teacher told me she wasn't quite fond of that page, so I changed the arrangement of the pictures and captions.
The most nerve racking part of the yearbook was submitting time. My teacher went page for page editing the pages to what she wanted. She told me that my theology page should have been more unique. She halted the posting of the yearbook for that page. I didn't understand the way she changed her mind. Just a few weeks ago she was in agreement and now on posting day she basically says she hates it. I do admit that doing that page really made me closer to God. I just didn't understand how my teacher was so judgmental toward the pages. So I had to redo that page again. This time I prayed for guidance because it was something special the teacher was looking for. So I took a few looks at some ideas, the website we were using, gave us. I decided to make the page into an advertisement, which she surprisingly loved. I was happy that page was over and that the yearbook was finally posted.
Some may ask, what does this have to do with reading and writing. Well, without this class, I wouldn't have found religion for myself. I wouldn't have read the bible; I wouldn't have opened my mind and heart to Jesus. My spirit was freed, my heart became warm, myself worth was remarkable. I didn't just read to read. I read for understanding. In this class that particular assignment returned me to the base of my faith. The bible itself is true inspiration; I was just appalled to where my faith came. I didn't imagine finding God in school and working on an assignment. With my findings I am capable of lecturing to my kids and grandkids on the idea of opening their hearts and excepting God's appearance in any place. God isn't in just the church, but he is everywhere.
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