Friday, August 27, 2010

Living Right

The idea of "Living Right" can be interpreted in many ways. Some may reference their health and others the bible. I personally really like the idea of both. Even though I kind of slack off in both I try my best to catch up. When it comes to health I don't mind running but my schedule just don't permit that activity. My usual time to run on Fridays or Saturdays are at 7:30. During the school week, I'm not allowed to do so. Me not exercising enough is my down fall. I will do crunches and sit-ups at home on my floor every morning and night before I go to bed ,but that's not working my legs just my midsection. I have to step my game up with that.
   I love the Lord, Jesus Christ, but I do admit that I don't read the bible as I should ,but I send up so powerful prayers. I pray every morning and every night. I pray for the community, the state, the government, my family, friends, and classmates, faculty, staff, etc. I tell the Lord to touch hearts and send comfort the minds of those who needs it. The only problem is that I just don't read the good book. Its not that I don't understand it. Its that again with health my time don't permit. My behavior and language in some of my choice discourse communities is something I need to change also.
  My remedy for change is to take it one day at a time and to schedule my time wisely. Being organized really is the key to success.

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